In Remembrance of Dorothy Wilson October 23, 2013

Two years ago today, my beautiful mother Dorothy Wilson, passed away while incarcerated against her will in a nursing home. She was kidnapped by Mary Giordano, an attorney and partner of the law firm Franchina and Giordano, in Garden City, New York. All pleas to the New York State Judicial Commission, the Nassau County Supreme Court, Senators and Congress, New York State District Attorney and countless others, went unanswered. Guardianship and elder abuse are prevalent throughout the country and Nassau County, New York is no exception.

About Diane Wilson

Guardianship must be abolished. This draconian law strips human beings of their civil and humanitarian rights. It is used as a method to dispose of the elderly and disabled, steal their estates, and isolate them from their loved ones.

Posted on October 23, 2013, in GUARDIANSHIP ABUSE and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. our stories are being read . each day more people are being informed about the abuse .. justice will come in time..

  2. I’m soo sorry. But you are making sure the low life people who hurt her and my grandfather will pay for the crimes they committed you are doing a great service

    Sent from my iPhone

    • Hi Kevin,

      Exposing criminals is of the utmost importance. Kidnapping innocent people and stealing their homes and dignity and basic God given rights is completely inhumane. We will see justice Kevin. I promise you that.

      Take care of you now.


  3. Dianne,

    There are no words that I can utter that could describe how you must feel, my own Mother with Alzheimer’s was entrapped by a Bank Manager under the NSW, Australian Guardianship Tribunal System with the full knowledge of the Bendigo Bank.

    My mothers name was Linda and she too passed away on April 24th 2013, the only words that I found of comfort where by the Late Dr. Martin Luther King.

    “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty we are free at last…!!”

    Dianne both our Mother and now mine are indeed Free at Last…:)

    Tony Hutton

  4. Martin Palagonia

    Dianne…so sorry for your loss, and it is admirable of you to continue the fight for elder-justice in the name of your Mom, keep up the good work. You are a great inspiration to those who seek the justice that unfortunately your mom Dorothy never got to experience. Big Hugs my friend.

  5. So sorry Diane… I understand your pain, believe court date was cancelled all together. And I haven’t seen my Mom, Last time I saw her, we were “celebrating” her birthday, and I was kicked out by Virginia Belling after 39 minutes..what a shame, she was really enjoying herself! and so was I…

    • Hi Joni,

      And Virginia Belling’s job is “caring” for the elderly? I cannot help but wonder where people like her and Anne Recht got their training. In my opinion, neither one of them has an ounce of compassion for any living being.

      The Universe will see to it that they receive back exactly what they give out.

      My prayers are always with both of you.


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