Plans announced to bring Criminal Charges against Every Corrupt Government Official in America

The corruption and lawlessness in our country at the highest levels of our government and judicial system is shameful. Many children are being stolen from their parents by social workers in CPS and forced to live in foster homes, where they are physically and sexually abused. Mothers who are victims of domestic violence are losing their children in divorce trials to abusive fathers. Our elderly parents are being kidnapped from their homes and incarcerated in nursing homes against their will by guardian attorneys.

Finally, someone has come along to help us take our country back from these thieves and crooks. Bill Windsor, also a victim of judicial corruption, has taken the lead to save our country. Read this groundbreaking story!   

Lawless America Bringing Criminal Charges against Corrupt Officials

Bill Windsor has announced plans to bring criminal charges against every corrupt government official in America as well as corrupt attorneys and others.

Bill Windsor has taken the leadership role in a new American revolution — the Lawless America Revolution…a peaceful revolution organized to save America.

Now Bill Windsor is starting to share more of the details.

If you haven’t seen the video titled “I Want My Country Back,” please watch it, or read the text of the video reprinted below.

When I set out on the Lawless America Movie Road Trip on June 14, 2012, I didn’t have a peaceful revolution in mind.  But it is clear to me that this is the only way we can save America.  And the only way to have an effective peaceful revolution is through the creation of a new political party — The Revolutionary Party.  We need tens of millions of people to join The Revolutionary Party.

An estimated 201.5 million U.S. citizens age 18 or over are eligible to vote, although many are not now registered.  Of these, about 55 million are registered Republicans.  About 72 million are registered Democrats.  About 42 million are registered as independents, under some other minor party or with a “No Party” designation.   To join the new Revolutionary Party, send one penny with your name, address, telephone numbers, and email address to B. Windsor, PO Box 681236, Marietta, GA 30068.  We’re looking for 70 million pennies.

Lawless America is exposing tens of thousands of corrupt government officials.  This is a start, but I believe we need a full court press.

About Diane Wilson

Guardianship must be abolished. This draconian law strips human beings of their civil and humanitarian rights. It is used as a method to dispose of the elderly and disabled, steal their estates, and isolate them from their loved ones.

Posted on October 30, 2012, in Lawless America and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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